Hi all..
Im pretty new here, this is my first post, but I have been reading along for a while already.
As the topic already reveals, i'm thinking of buying a NSR250 to use it for Motogymkhana.. I saw Sly-Fox (who I have met during international competitions) has already introduced the sport here, but maybe a short reminder is in place: the sport is very popular in Japan, and the NSR is one of the quickest bikes you can ride. A japanese motogymkhana friend I have met feels the NSR have a win-rate of around 90% since the beginning of the sport. No doubt, that why i'm considering one.
But my question is about parts.. Sly-fox is in the UK, I however am in The Netherlands. And allthough the amount of NSR's (and parts) are already a lot lower in Europe compared to Japan, comparing the Netherlands to the UK gives an equal result with even less availability here in NL.. So althought my mind was made up to buy a NSR, I have second thoughts because I visited a 2-stroke center which told me that NSR parts are very hard to find and very expensive. In terms of parts availability he suggested buying an RGV. Those parts would be much easier to get your hands on and much cheaper..
But we've got the internet and thinks tend to change fast.. I got the impression his 'data' might be outdated
So.. that's why i'm asking you guys as experts on the matter.. Is it really difficult and expensive to find new parts? What parts are most probable to wear out when seriously racing it hard and are those part indeed expensive and hard to find?? If not, I really could use some directions to sites..
Thanks a lot!!