The pressure plate bolts only need to be "snugged up". There's no special torque value for them, so use the standard figures in the General section at the beginning of the manual. (0.8 - 1.2kg-m)
I would err on the lower end of the range, if you absolutely must torque them up, as it's very easy to break off the posts on the hub if you use too much force. The bolts/washers bottom out on the posts, so there is no spring length setting, only a spring free-length service limit.
The clutch should be very light on all NSRs, be they R, SE, or SP models. Even with the uprated spring kit we used to sell, the clutch operation was still very light. I would check you've not lost the little steel ball behind the top hat, or that the teeth on the basket aren't worn. Also, check the bearing in the pressure plate if it's an SE/SP, as they can dry out over the years.
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