This is just the beginning of it really. Yep, digital temp and speedo for starters.
The main thing was that Paul was complaining that his street RS doesn't have a speedo, and as I'd had an Arduino kicking around for a while, thought that I'd better make something.
Then I dug out my April Systems detonation sensors and with fantastic assistance from Mike at April Systems, I've now hooked the data input up so that I can count the dets. Which of course then made me think about sending a signal to the CDI (didn't say PGM) if detonation occurs......but more on that later.
Andy knows what's going on and has already moaned endlessly about the LCD screen.....I quite like it, but just to keep moaning Andy happy, I have a higher resolution colour screen on order and will see what that looks like if/when it arrives.
The factory NSR dash is certainly an inspiration, and on a couple of other builds I've designed and 3D printed various "foam" dashes (Flexi TPU actually), and they look great. No constraints and all that.
Oh well.....back to the grind