Most event attendance numbers are given as weekend attendance. Laguna's weekend attendance was at over 150,000 people. The facility is actually limited to the number of tickets it can sell by the fire marshal, and I am sure that is due to access in and out of the park.
Laguna's only bad aspect is the access. At one time, there was only one entrance in and out. The US Military would open up another access road through their property on Fort Ord. Since the Fort Ord property is now public land, there are now two more access roads used in and out of Laguna on an ongoing basis. This helps things a little, but still the traffic is hell.
It was nice to know that the event was a complete sell out in tickets prior to the weekend. This means that they were not doing walk up sales on Sunday, or Saturday. Even with only 57000 people in the park on Sunday, and Saturday (each day), the place was the most packed I had ever seen it. Friday had 40000 + people in attendance alone!
Hopefully next year will be as attended.
Charles Gallant