I purchased the bike in Japan through a dealer auction through Apex Moto http://www.apexmoto.jp/ and recently had it imported into Canada where I live.
I was actually engaged in the auction process for a few months before arriving in Japan. I know that once Apex picked it up for me, they gave it a really good look over to make sure it was in decent condition.
I also rode it around Japan during the three weeks I was there. It was a great bike and I am excited to get it on the road in Canada. The only issue I had with it was the engine over-heated during one of my rides, but it was a pretty humid day and I was riding on a mountain in pretty high altitude. The bike still ran fine, but the temperature gauge definitely looked ominous.
I have attached a few pictures of the bike. One was during my travels, and the other is in its current condition. I was able to find brand new fairings for it so I plan to swap those in. But I figure since all the fairings are off, I should try to tackle some maintenance, such as the spark plugs.
My guess on this guy's former life was that he was a street bike. I noticed that alot of the NSRs that came up in the auctions had incredibly low mileage- probably because they never left a track. But the one I purchased had almost 20,000 Km. Also, there were some scratches on the fairings that has me suspecting that a previous owner dropped it on gravel.
Any insight you have would be helpful! I am not an expert with bike repairs, but always enjoy learning, if it is something I can learn to tackle on my own.
Also wanted to say thank you for creating this site. When I was shopping around for the NSR, I used this site almost exclusively for all of my research!