Bless me Father, for I have sinned! But really just a little there. And bless you, Andy! If Karma is a real thing, you will be well set up for the next chapter. Me? Not so much! Once again I am grateful and embarrassed by my ignorance. Interesting your parts schematic is slightly different from mine but both are equally incompressible to me. But IF I am understanding, the parts I need on the right side, which now has only the rod poking through with no spacers evident, on your diagram in order would be #36 -> #17 -> #13 -> #17 -> #5. (I'm assuming because the bolt on the left side had not pulled out that far that the bushes, spacers, etc. on THAT side still have to be there in the correct order!) Do I have the parts and the order they should be installed on the right side correct? As always, many thanks. _________________ -Jim
'93 MC21