Sounds like it could indeed be an SP, but to be honest, it's impossible to be 100%. Only Honda would be able to confirm it, but experience over the last 20+ years says it's very difficult to get specific information officially out of Honda. People have claimed it over the years, but very few, and none have every shown the evidence.
Yes, the PGM-III will require a battery to function fully. In fact, a poor battery or charging systen has been tracked down as the culprit for misfires and inability to rev fully before.
The RC Valves will need to be fully open to attain peak power/RPM, but pinning them open can do a pretty good job on shorter/twistier circuits. They're the best system out there though, so if you can gat it all back up and working it's well worth it. Yes, you will need the GPS, and TPS for them to work correctly. The PGM takes inputs from those plus RPM. It was a very advanceed system for its time. The PGM also controls the air correction. When it's all working as intended, the NSR power delivery is incredibly linear.
This is a typical graph for a standard delimited MC21

With the mods you've described, and with it all back in fully operational condition, I'd usually expect to see around 63-64rwhp for a fresh MC21. More than that would need internal work on the crankcases.
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