Rowanvtr wrote:
I’m new to the NSR, this is how I got the bike, and I’m trying to get my head around the little details as well as the larger details (as to why the bike has been “gutted” so much etc. I have a track day next weekend so I’ll certainly try a battery (they are not expensive) if it fixes the issue I will be ecstatic if not I guess I’m back to square one.
Thx for the all the info. The day you stop learning is the day you should give up.
We find they've often been "gutted" for one of two reasons... first is components die, and can be difficult and often extremely expensive to replace if you're outside of Japan, and second, people often think they can do it better/simpler than Honda! They can't!

The truth is, you can indeed simplify it, as someone's clearly done in your case (I've done it myself before!), but I can absolutely guarantee it's nowhere near as good as it should be now. Someone's basically taken away everything that makes it so much better than its contemporaries. If you have the chance to acquire the missing parts, I'd definitely advise it, but it won't stop you enjoying the bike for sure. Just keep it in your mind, "it could be better".

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