before I start striping my Mc18 completely, I was just wondering if there is anything else I can do to get her to start. She is a good looking 1988 model that has not been rebuild etc. and has been sat around for a while. I think she only ventured out twice last year. She last ran in November (just started but not driven), when she started without choke. I tried to start here this month and cannot get her to start at all. Got no response at all.
I asked a question on our Facebook group (I am using the Forum as it is easier to see replies etc.) and the consensus was to check the plugs for a spark, the cans for any gunk, took the tank off and splashed some fuel straight into the carbs, checked the wiring of the coils (one was swapped) and after all that still no avail, so I pulled the carbs off to have a look at the jets etc. I did not do a deep clean, as they looked clean to the naked eye. After I put everything back together still nothing, except after several kicks i had one massive misfire.
I was planning to rebuild the bike from scratch. However, I have a MC16 to rebuild first and I was hoping to run the 18 whilst I was rebuilding the 16. So any further suggestions, pointers etc. very welcome.
Thanks for your time.