Hello everyone.
Iīm currently ressurecting a really badly abandoned MC16 in Germany.
Previous owner already fitted TA21 carbs along with a PGM-II Ignition System.
Sadly both barrels will need a refurbishment as well.
For one they are two different barrels (front: one ring piston; rear: two ring piston)
Also the plating in the rear barrel is severely damaged.
Iīm looking at atleast 400 for replating (plating in germany is quite expensive) the rear cylinder and 100 for honing the front one.
Additionally i would need to source 2 new pistons, which appears to be quite the pain as well. canīt find a decent offer anywhere.
What i did find is a 180ccm Malossi barrel, intended for the NSR 125.
Now the tinkerer in me started to wonder, if thoose would be able to be fitted on a NSR 250.
One of thoose barrels (inc. Piston, head, all gaskets) is about 450.. so two of thoose sets would only be barely more expensive, than refurbishing the two old ones.
If any machining has to be done, that wouldnīt be a problem at all, since in own a lathe and a mill.
Also, i have some experience in making "strange Cylinders" fit onto other Engines (mainly Honda MTX 125 barrel onto Simson S51 Engine).
I just wondered, if anyone has done something similar, to my idea.
If it hasnt been done, feel free to give me some input, about what you guys think of the Idea.
What would have to be changed?.. (Crank strong enough, Clutch able to handle the Power..)
Or if the idea is completely useless. As i canīt even find a number on what power thoose 180 barrels are supposed to output on the 125.
Just feel free, to let me know your thoughts about this idea.
I just canīt get the thought of a NSR 360 out of my head.
Greetings from germany,
Link to Kit: https://www.scooter-attack.com/de/kaufen/zylinder-malossi-181cc-alu-honda-nsr-crm-125-lc-77853?srsltid=AfmBOoqQAJMY-697SGQILCQmi49cRKCzfBgqCtNIEhxcB1DlSnP1maqa