I remember when "rhyshrc" paid £10k for his MC21 Rothmans about 10 years ago, and I thought that was insane! I struggle with the prices, and have done for many years. I've said it countless times before, what NSRs are worth and what people will pay for them are two very different things, in my personal opinion. I certainly don't begrudge Johnnymac getting that for the Repsol, but I bet that bike never sees tarmac again, and that's just sad. It's taking NSRs (and things like RC30s and original Fireblades) out of the hands of people who want to own them and ride them.
I'm currently facing my own moral dilemma regarding pricing, where I have a load of HRC parts, some of which are very rare, and some Honda NOS that I have come to the realisation I am never going to be able to make full use of. I never bought it all to speculate, I bought it with the best intentions, but now it's got to go.
Here's an example... The brand new MC18 barrels I have, I told RobH years ago he could have first shout on if I ever sell them, as he was the only person I knew at the time who was consistently putting miles on an '18... but what should I offer them for? I just looked up MC18 barrels on CMSNL, and a pair of barrels would sell for (if they had them) £1400. Fowlers had them listed at £848inc VAT each! You tell me... is that right? They used to be about £300 from Honda, and even taking inflation into account, those prices are hugely exaggerated. Is £500 for the pair of them fair, is £1000 fair? Technically, at £500 I'd lose money (taking inflation into account), so I feel cornered morally.
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