Being as Dave has nothing better to do than monitor the forum, he's beaten me to it again!! :)
Jaco, where are you located? If you are in the States, then there is a very popular transmission oil our friends Stateside seem to like which actually is a grey/blue colour already! The brand name escapes me for now though, but I'll find out for you.
If this isn't the case however, it is most likely (as Dave says) condensation. It's certainly a good idea to drain the transmission, refill it, run down the road a few miles to warm it up, drain it and refill again, just to be sure! Transmission oil isn't too expensive, and a couple of litres of oil is a hell of a lot less expensive than a new transmission!
Just keep an eye on the levels for the next few ride-outs after the oil change.
NSR-WORLD.COM uses and recommends RockOil G.R.O. fully synthetic transmission oil for all NSR models.