rc46 wrote:Hi Fontyyy,
Ive got tyga pipes, chambers, Airbox mod, HRC jet kit, Carbon Reeds, and HRC stuffers, exactly the same as nigels bike, and he got it set up by Total traction, so im going to go there, OH yeah im just waiting for JAMIE to reply and im getting a Daytona turbo filter from him $56 US delivered to the door, I would do it my self but i have only a basic idea about things, and would worry its not done right. its gona cost around £300 i think to get it done which is why i gotta wait till next month or month after that, Cheers for the links.
It's your call mate, Nigel's bike is as sweet as. But everyone knew nothing once, I'm no pro mechanic.
Horses for courses really, depends what you want, I can't sit here knowing my bike can run a bit better and not have a go and it's always going to be able to run "a bit better" than someone can set it up on a dyno, it's seamless now WOT from tickover right through but every little part throttle splutter still annoys me
I'm running a Moto Air free flowing thing from Apex - part no. MF2053, not sure if it's quite as good as the Daytona Turbo, but it is about 8 times cheaper Steve has some HRC foam in his
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