There's nothing on the old disks.
We bought new pattern ones that says normal 5mm min. 3.5mm
MOT says normal 5, min. 4.5 for the 1988 model, but don't have the 1994
Ministry of traffic says normal 4 min. 3.5
The old disks are front 4.3 with a marked groove on the out and inside.
The back disk doen't look worn, has no grooves on in- or outside, nice and flat but 4.0mm
Soo, I'm confused, but we might just have to get it MOT'ed and complain if they don't accept the 4.3mm and refer to the ministry of traffic data.
It used to be normal 5 min 4.5 on almost any bike, but it has changed I found f.ex. a Honda 600RR and it has normal 4.5 min 3.5
The RD(europe)/RZ(US) 350YPVS, watercooled was made by Yamaha from 1983 to around 1991.
Then in 1992-95 there was a RD350R made in Brazil, using all the moulds etc. bought from Yamaha.
"If Life Gets Boring, Risk It!"
MC21SE, KISS box
MC21SP, HRC box, racing loom