jeff350lc wrote:Hi Mike
welcome to to the forum. nice to have another mc16/ypvs owner aboard.stan stephens did my engine, apex leasure could also help. talk to jo, shes very helpfull. there is also a cylinder on e-bay at the mo. i was hopeing to steal it, but if you want it let me know so we don't bid it up between us.
as for a fairing. mc16 body work is like hens teeth. the only place i have come across that does any is the replica fairing company.
all the above have good web sites.
failing that give it to me. i'll give it a loveing home.
Cheers Jeff, i am watching that cylinder on ebay lol. are the cylinders interchangable? or is front different from rear? is the mc16 bodywork so different from the mc18?
Dave, ill give them a call as well.