Mike, I think this work thing I was on about is really going to come off so I'll be in your neck of the woods loads - I know a load of good places to eat in the Japanese part of China town so you're on !! Plus, I want to visit Nigel Kimbers's place soon as he's got some mods to show me so that I don't have to move the YPVS's chassis crossmember to use the 38mm Mikuni's and I gotta pick up that LC motor. It was for a mate and he let me down after saying he would have it. Did the deal with Nigel and I'm now stuck with an LC engine that I don't really need but gotta be good to my word !
Sad man - Yes, there is an icon (you're a smart mother fxxxxr(Royale With Cheese)) but I hate to use things like that coz I never know where or to whom the email might go to. I could be emailing Fidel Castro or Phol Pot for all I know. Capiche ? And besides, look at all the hell that broke loose from my 'casual' emailing at Telewest. Got my employment tribunal case number and some of the freakiest stuff ever has gone on in the last month - I'll explain over KFC sometime - maybe I'll bring a bargain bucket around now that you have your own lilly pad. Oh, U need any furniture or crockery etc... ? U, of all the people on god's gracious planet - shacked and straped up - Jesus Christ Bananas !
Mike, this is Andy. Andy - Mike.