pre 1993 60 bhp, after that 55, it was the law, same as 45 then 40 for the 250's.
In reality, most 400's make mid-high 50's std, low 60's with a tweak or two, 80+ if you throw big big money at them.
Real life performance they are ultimately faster than a similarly tuned 250, hence Honda gave up F3ing the NSR in favor of the RVF.
I've got both, HRC carded, Tyga piped NSR (around 61bhp) and an HRC CDi, JHA piped RVF (66bhp), performance wise the RVF will just check out, gone, see ya at the pub etc, especially on the road.
But on the track or for a summer blast the NSR is the tool of choice, it is a Samuri sword to the gattling gun of the diesels, wheather I'm faster or slower than anyone else is irrelevent, it's so much harder to get the best out of and a thousand times more rewarding for that exact reason.
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Last edited by fontyyy on Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total