The "Matt" method:
Soak stud in WD40 overnight
Two M8 flange nuts with flanges together tightened on the offending stud. Use a quality ring spanner on the underside nut and an 8 point socket on the top. Tighten them up together as much as you dare!
Put on ya Mum's oven gloves, grab a heat gun and warm up the aluminium around the stud until it's too hot to touch (bare fingers). Don't use a naked flame. Quietly steal the wife's top brand hair dryer if you haven't got a heat gun and use it on full heat setting. If it breaks then just throw it back in the drawer and don't say a word.
When it's nice and hot get ready to undo the stud (turn anticlockwise), but first you want to give the head of the stud a good crack with the hammer Don't be a wimp, but not a full arm swing pile driver whack either.
Undo the stud and then phone all your mates and ask what the fuss is about.
If it really is a stubborn bugger then just warm up again and repeat the last step. It will come out.
Even if you have a prper stud remover it's still best to warm the aluminium and use the hammer technique. The shock helps break up any corrosion holding it firm.