Wow, this site is amazing! Alot of good replies and feedback to help w/the a nutshell, fenton suggested that my PGMIII may be dead(I didn't even check, let alone know what process it would involve as I am electrically inept when it comes to the nsr. However, I did notice that my old battery was dead or barely holding a charge @ 3.5 v, So, Interstate Batteries replaced the old one w/brand new one and charged it up w/13.5 v on volt meter. Immediately went home to check for spark and low and behold we've got spark, bump started the bike w/in 10ft(whooo, what a relief, as I nearly ran around the block trying to bump it) After Idiling the bike for a minute or so I started blipping the throttle 3k to 4k, 3k to 4k, bike got up to 60c w/in 5-6 minutes and just noticed a very healthy reving to 6/7k. Very excited to do the trackday this weekend, seems like the bike is running better than it has all season racing it.
Moral of the story: 1) Always check voltage on battery 2) Fully charge if needed 3) Keep trickle charge when not in use 4) If battery is neglected, could ruin PGMIII (good thing for having a spare that works!!! (BTW- can faulty PGMIII be serviced and/or repaired?) 5) Trust in the NSRWORLD.COM Members, as they are so coooool!
Thanks again Andy, Fenton, Chester, Stephen aaand for all tech help this season! You brits have helped me w/my first season on the MC21 and have earned 7 Podiums, couple of 3rds, few 2nds and a great 1st @ Willow Spgs, racing w/ a fleet of April RS250 Cup Bikes (for those who have never raced against the cup bikes, they are fast and nimble; however, no match for a fully built/deristricted nsr.
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