Dear Dave,
My suspension is nearly perfect, a have recently bought a RVF front end but haven't placed yet on my bike.Right now my bike is equiped with a 5 inches real wheel and a 165/55/17 Dunlop and a 3.5 front wheel with 120/60/17 dunlop and sp suspensions.In the near future i plan to fit the RVF front end and, maybe, I will mod a Suzuki Srad 750 swingarm to fit the nsr with magnesium 5.5 or 6 inches rear wheel for that killer 190/55/17 look, lots of cutting and soldering.We will see.Now for the power output of my bike.I want a set of exhausts to give me a few more hps all over.Will a set of a rs 250 work, i think nf5?????I also have a pair of keihin pwk38 to fit the bike.
P.S.:I am a co-owner in company here in Greece named Suzukomania.We do all the kind of bike mods that someone can imagine and we are the only company that does that job here in Greece.