I have the following problem ;
The bike lost a lot of power all of the sudden when I was driving. Now when its turned on almost no burned-oil smoke comes from the left exhaust and the air that comes out is far colder than the one coming from the right. Then after a while the left one makes a sound like someone sneezing and throws out a big amount of smoke from the oil. Last time this happened it had something to do with the spark plugs (I'm afraid I don't know the term in english) and my mechanic just took one out, cleaned it and then the bike was ok. I changed my spark plugs with new ones, cleaned the pipe (the thing that gives electricity to the spark plugs) but still nothing.
Also I took all the gas from the tank, put some new one and did about 50km. The bike revs much better and now it does not "sneeze" that much and oil smoke comes from the left one as well. But still it's much under powered.
Any ideas what should I look ?