Last run out on the NSR, I really thought I'd cured the occasional lack of go after about 1/2 hour running, with the corroded TPS terminal's.
Currently got all the electric's exposed, giving them all a thorough cleaning, waggle (wiggle?) and continuity check.
As yet nothing obvious.
With the 2 PGM connectors disconnected, and ignition on, some wire's show 12v, some show 5.5v and the one from the rev counter show's 6.5v does this sound right?
Yep I'm clutching at straw's again.
As previously mentioned, the bike generally run's fine, ocasionally , on a longer run out, the bike feel's really "draggy" and "sluggish", often getting worse the longer it's ridden, this is particularly so in the 5500 to 8500 rpm range.
Any Ideas
Thanx regard's Phil