Thanks for the reply as i was starting feel ignored. i guess the question was a bit long and basis but i thought i'd see if anyone would put me in the right direction first to save me time.
1 the choke was loose at the lever and didn't notice until i went to adjust so did that and the choke works much smother now.
2 the most likely problem re the petrol smell is a dirty float bowl and sticking needle, it could be a worn float bowl needle. i'm not going to do it yet as i don't want to be stuck with a problem free bike during the winter, with the weather we are experiencing now. the excess smoke you describe is probably excess oil build up in the float bowl cos the fuel evaporates leaving the oil in the bowl and then you put more in when you turn the tap on next time around plus a little extra with the choke on as well and you've got a very smokey bike at start up.
3 the last thing is if the fuel hose is too long and is filling up the carb after i turn it off then hey presto more oil, more smoke more smell.
hope that helps.
can you measure your fuel hose to see how long it is as i don't have a guide.