g'day fellas,
after i parked my nsr150 outside of a commission housing in sydney a few weeks ago... i found that the ignition hole was tampered with. was like some kids tried to dig into it with a screw driver... so i had to fiddle my keys around it (the handle bar was loose too) to get it going... i thought that itd just be a little annoyance that i would have to learn to put up with.
just yesterday i went to the beach and just as im about to leave, the key didnt work at all... so theres my (light-lil) bike, left stranded there...
after i tow the thing home... what should be my next step? undo the ignition component? where can i get the tools? locksmith/car or bike mech?
u may be thinking honda dealer will sort things out for me... i just wanna know my most cost efficient options...
look foward to replies...