In fact your the account that actually caused the complaint of abuse from AOL.
The issue I have right now is AOL is complaining to my ISP. If my ISP gets more complaints they can shut down my account. What does this mean? No more forums. So you can see where I am with this.
This isn't a "your ISP sucks" issue, this is an AOL is a pain in the ass to deal with on all fronts. The other option is to simple turn off ALL communications coming out of the forums. This means no emails at all, no registration confirmation emails (making it real hard for new users to sign up), no PM notifications, no subscribed thread notifications, etc. I don't want to do that just cause a few people are stuck to using AOL as their email when they can go get something for free from so many other providers (think Yahoo, gmail ).
So ye, if I get another complaint from AOL on your account, then your account is gone. Sorry to be a hard ass on this but it's my domain, my account with my ISP and my decision to block an internet company who has the avg lowest common denominator of users and feels it needs to protect it's users by pushing it's weight on everyone else.
Charles Gallant