Apparently TYGA reduced its discount to distributors recently to try and (appear to) remain competitive in the marketplace. Bad business decision in my book as it could cause contempt for the brand... exactly as this thread has shown.
It makes the prices on their website look misleading in my opinion, and makes the distributors look like they are the ones inflating the prices. Not good. No-one likes increasing their prices, but it has to be done sometimes. TYGA should have enough confidence in their name and brand to price accordingly. No reason why they can't increase prices to consumers in line with inflated production/shipping costs and keep the dealer discounts.
Penalising the dealers but keeping the prices on their website low, is the best way to go if they want to go back to the old days of only dealing direct with end-users. Too many people will take the gamble on not having to pay import duties and tax on one-off orders from Thailand and the dealers will stop stocking the brand. More work for TYGA, and probably less sales.
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