I thought I had it sorted yesterday. I unplugged every component & terminal I could find, and re-connected them one at a time. The fuse blew when I connected the turn signal relay. I then fitted a new relay, switched the ignition on and all was well, but it wouldn't fire. I then noticed the electronic dash had gone out. I switched the ignition off for a few seconds then on again and the dash lights up but shows 8 volts and dropping, then goes out. The battery was showing 12.3 volts on the multimeter. If I switch the ignition on with the kill switch in the off position the dash shows the same voltage as the battery. Therefore, I only have a problem when the kill switch is in the run position.
One wire from the kill switch runs to the ignition fuse. Continuity seems fine and it is not earthing.
The other wire runs to the PGM (black connector), the power jet solenoids and the oil pump solenoid. I have isolated the solenoids which makes no difference, and when I unplug the black PGM connector, nothing powers up.
To top it all, when I plug in the old turn signal relay, the fuse does not blow now.
Looking at the wiring diagram, the circuit for the 15A ignition fuse runs through the lighting and auxillary fuses in the fuse box, which brings most of the loom into the equation.
My head hurts....
This post may contain traces of peanut!