ok here is the situation: i recently aquired an exracing mc21 R that had had a SP engine put into it. I bought the bike knowing that it had issues with pgm3's (ie it had blown about 3 of them) Anyway after consulting with a mate and coming to the conclusion that its obviouly an electricial problem causing the pgm to continually blow we proceeded to transplant the SP engine in that bike into my bike. which too is a mc21 R.
Ok the engine was sucessfully swapped (thanks Bryan and Karl!!) and all electrics from my bike(which were in perfect working order) are being used. first start up resulted in one very smokey and melted PGM3. (thats 4 its been through) realising that the only thing that remained on the SP engine from the race bike was the stater coil and wire. Ahh this must be the poblem we all thought it has to be there isnt anything else remaining from the other bike. Anyway changed it over and was running fine (considering the pgm was blown and the valves wernt set yet)
a new PGM arrives (onc again thanks to the above mentioned). first start all goes well!! so i then adjusted the valves as directed in the tuning section, kicked 'er over and once again smoke pouring out the pgm. (THATS 5 and they aint cheap!!)
anyway to make a long story longer im buggered whats wrong with it, as is everyone else. the top end has only done about 50km since rebuild, i run jha pipes, pods on the carbs which was dyno tuned if it makes any difference.
Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, anything....... what could be causing the pgm to continually blow....
AS i said a PRIZE (havnt decided what yet!!!) will be given to the person who can solve the problem... (oh yeah and if anyone has a pgm they wanna sell let me know....)
just to add... there seems to be a lot more really white smoke from he top cylinder than the lower...