I was trying to make you see some sense before the whole thing gets out of hand.
This website is a valuable tool for all NSR people and I wouldn't like to see everybody falling out over a bunch of e-mails.
I was commenting on what I would do, in a similar situation (I am mad though and not in the bike business). This website has rules to protect the owners and to make it a 'pleasant' place to visit.
LIBEL laws in the UK are different than the States; the website owners are also responsible for any mis-information that has not been prior investigated.
I'm sure Paul and Matt are not appreciating my interference so this will be my last post on the subject.
None of my comments were intended to be insulting; you didn't take the bait as much as I expected.
I do wish you all the best and hope everything will be resolved.
My stance on Tyga is very easy to see; if they are damaged so is the future for my bikes. I chose my bikes over my wife - she then left.
Seriously though, they are both honest guys and Paul is going through a tough time; this is the last thing he needs to be worrying about.
Please don't send me the e-mails; it would ruin my Karma.
You take it easy and have a good night. (tham dee dai dee)
best regards - David.
Paul, Matt - sorry for interfering; sometimes I cannot stay quiet.