The Jha jet kit is (was) all HRC parts, still in the HRC packets, plus a sticker! They also added power jet blanks with their MC21 kits; something that HRC never did until the MC28 kits came out.
Your poor carburetion around 4000rpm could quite likely be due to the wrong X and Y pieces, but it could also be needle type and/or position. My MC21 carburetes almost perfectly from idle to 12000+rpm*, StephenRC45's MC18 carburetes absolutely perfectly across the whole rev-range, but he has dedicated countless hours to getting it right both on the road and on his dyno. Being a dyno operator it would be pretty hypocritical for it not to be perfect in his opinion, and it's an example of why I wouldn't take an NSR anywhere else in the UK to be set up.
*I don't have the patience of Stephen to refine mine any further. It's rare that I need the ultimate flexibility of sudden WOT below 3000rpm like he has achieved, even with the F3 transmission and a 63mph 1st gear!
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