Hey Guys,
I've got the mighty MC21 up and running!
I've done 3 rounds of racing and a hand full of test days but I still have one little problem.
In a straight line the bike gets up and boogies just like it should but on the track where I've been riding there a a couple of sweeping corners.
When I try to keep up the revs mid corner by easing on the throttle the bike splutters ( kind of just crackles and pops ).
After the corner when I get hard on the gas the bike resitates and they kicks into life!
I really want to get this little problem ironed out becasue I've really noticed it at the last to rounds that have been....WET
Any help would be great! I've got a new Tyga tail section and some nice paint planned before the next round so it'd be good to roll up ready to rock!!!!