Well the website emails now work!(cock up with the domain server)
I am trying to keep you lot together for a few sessions thats why you should all get yellow wristbands.
I am hoping to get the NSR lads and lasses on camera as i will hopefully have a new on -board system fitted to one instructors bike.
If some clever bod knows how muck about or host it / whatever,the tape is yours.
I will be moving riders around later as it is really difficult to judge slow/ intermiadiate, ultimatley this is upto the clerk of the course.We are putting safety first as riders WILL be getting tired , this is a TWO group day and you will be able to be out for over three hours.
i went out on the circuit yesterday in the cold and rain as i really am crap in the wet and needed the time to re-build some confidence.
Now i did 2-3 15 min sessions , yes im pretty unfit but i am aching pretty badly today, it may look like a doddle from the track photos but i can assure you its not easy ! it will be even harder in the summer
If you have sent in you booking forms you should now have your instructions/confirmation.
If you have not and want to play do it NOW! there was only 36 places for the whole day.
just download a booking form www.cheaptrackdays.com