Charles, that was exactly what I was looking for, many, many thanks. The trouble shooter at the end willcome in usefull. I did notice that the fork oil is 5wt where as the earlier NF5 stuff is 10wt. The NF5 springs are softer as well.
I have a set of RC51 forks I'd like to fit to an NSR I have. The forks look very similar to the NXA ones and was interested to see what the set up manual said about both the specs and how the are taken apart.
Might try some lighter springs first as the RC51 appears to have 0.85 kgf/mm fitted and then try lighter oil. Reckon 7.5wt is worth a go as the 5wt might be to thin to work with the std valving. If it's stillhopeless I'll send em off for revalving.
Just wanted to try and save myself £250ish.
Thanks Charles