The Workshop Manual is a pet project. No-one can access it.
I've been working on it over the years, re-photographing a lot of it and also re-drawing all the diagrams, but someone who is working on a lot of the translation with me had his laptop stolen last year, along with all the work he'd (well, his Japanese wife!) had done.
If you've bought a Carbon Membership believing this will allow access to the Workshop Manual, then I can refund your payment if you wish?
Please search the forum as just about everything has already been covered. Ask any questions here that you can't find the answer to (either here or on the Main Site) and someone is sure to be able to help.
With any really obscure/unique questions I try to keep the Manuals on hand and answer them (often with official Honda diagrams and/or photos) whenever I have the time.
Please keep all responses to Forum posts on the Forum so that others may benefit.
Please DO NOT PM me for technical advice. My time is precious, and you will probably receive a faster response on the Forum anyway.
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