Mark the carbs #1 and #2.
Just be careful when you take the top cover plate off (that the needle & holder assembly sits under) as there is a paper gasket that can tear, and use a very close fitting screwdriver, as the screws can round off very easily and regardless of how carefully you tightened them, they are always real tight next time you come to remove them!
It may sound overkill, but you can actually (very lightly) use an impact driver on the screws! You don't need to hit it hard, but the extra little shock on the initial movement helps release them.
Get one of the girlfriends' baking trays and disassemble one carb at a time in the tray, so you don't lose any components. Make a note of the jet sizes and needle type (and clip position if adjustable). The jets only fit in their own hole, so you can't mix them up... you'll see once you've got the float bowl off.
Be careful removing the float. The pivot pin should push out very easily, and the float and needle will come out together. Make sure you don't put any excess stress on the needle spring, as it's quite fragile.
Put all the bits from the first carb in a jiffy bag and label it #1!
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