I don't have the RSW fairing, rather the GP500/250.
2. With the side stand mine only rubbed where the foot of the stand is when it is up. I ended up fitting a small grub screw in the stand body to allow for adjustment to the up position. But a glued on shim would probably have achieved the same. I also noticed that on my bike i had to trim about 5mm of the front near the radiator. It was very tight there, which made the fairing twist a little out of shape.
3. The top stay is the same between the RSW and my fairing and the triple doesn't touch on full lock. I spent about an hour tweaking the fit of the bodywork, and found that it was possible to get the bracket to fit either way. I ended up with it as pictured, ie with the frame end nearly touching the tank, and it clears everything.
In regards to Tyga's service, like you I ordered another fairing about a week ago, and it turned up yesterday. Fantastic service, and the T-shirts are even in larger sizes now to fit our more western pie eating frames.