The MC18 and MC21 TAxx carbs are spot on for 99% of applications. The MC28 TBxx carbs so I've heard, flow extremely well and maybe eveb better than the earlier ones, but they are a twat to work on!
The MC16 has similar TA carbs to the MC18/21, but are only 28mm and have no power jets.
The later FIII carbs are based on 32mm TA bodies, and they consistently out perform PJ38 and PWK39 equipped bikes (and bikes on standard "kitted" carbs) which I put down the higher velocity of the smaller venturii.
My MC16FIII will probably run PJ38's just because of the noise, and the fact it's not going to be any kind of daily ride, but it will be interesting to see just what the difference is between HRC 28mm carbs and PJ38's on the dyno one day. The HRC book says the MC16 should make 68hp in "standard" F3 trim. That's without porting or any other major internal surgery... just slapping the F3 bits on out of the box.
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