From Matt Patterson's fork rebuild article on Jamie's NSR Homepage wrote:
Other important things to remember when reassembling.......
To set the oil level, hold the fork in the vice in the vertical position, with the fork fully compressed. Add the recommended quantity of oil... ...Pull the damper rod and the stantion up and down several times to bleed air from the system.
Reassemble the top cap along with the preload and rebound adjusters.
Make sure to wind both the preload and rebound adjusters out to their minimum (softest) setting. Now, wind the rebound adjuster in 12 clicks. Fit the steel locknut onto the damper rod and wind fully down. Install fork cap and adjuster assembly and wind down until the rebound adjuster needle just fits in the top of the damper rod. This must be done very carefully and lightly so as not to damage the needle. Wind the locknut up, finger tight onto the cap. hold the cap securely in your hand and wind the rebound adjuster out (soften) 4 - 5 clicks to clear the needle from the damper rod, and then fully tighten the locknut (two 14mm spanners required ). Finally screw the cap back into the stantion and tighten.
Check forks for smooth operation, and reset to original settings.
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