Hi guys,
i recently had a trade up with a friend of mine who's decided to sell his beloved MC28 SE.. he has a 030 swipe card therefore he agreed that we'd do a swap, mine's a SP model MC28.. the problem occured as a "LOCK" being displayed on his SE when my CDI is attached.. we all know that this may be caused by serveral issues.. such as: low battery , wiring fault, lock pulley jammed, lock cone jammed, and the least .. CDI issue.. conclusion was.. we revert back to our individual CDIs and they worked perfectly.. slide in the card and notch! the handlelock releases .. but when we swap it again.. the problem came back... by the way.. ive double checked it with some well known techs in Singapore.. they had no idea whats causing it..
MC 28 SP : Stock card CDI = handle lock works fine
MC 28 SE : HRC card CDI = handle lock works fine
MC 28 SP : HRC card CDI = handle lock works fine
MC 28 SE : Stock card CDI = handle lock remains lock with "lock" display
by the way.. wiring harness has been modified on mine for the CDI to accept the 030 card.. and the SE's is reverted back from the splice..
one of the techs told me that it might be SE and SP using different wire harness... but this swapping method is being used worldwide.. i dont see the issue..
anyone has any rough idea whats going on?
Thanks alot guys!