Do you have a good assortment of metric wrenches (8,10,12,14) and other common tools? If you do, you can rebuild that cylinder over a weekend. I'll give you all the part numbers and vendor contact info you'll need to fix it. If you take it apart today (you can have it torn down by this evening), and order the parts tonight, you should be able to have it running by next weekend even with no 2 stroke experience whatsoever.
What you'll want to do though is get this cylinder down and see what happened. If you have a jetting problem you'll want to take the other one apart and check it too. That's super easy to do as all you'll be replacing is one base gasket if all is ok. If a lean condition tore up your piston/cylinder, you'll want to rejet it after putting it back together .
Send me a PM and I'll give you my email address if you want some help. Just DON'T RUN IT ANYMORE as you may turn an easy piston replacement into a disaster (junk cylinder).