My '21 has had a very loud dry clutch since I got it and today it finally irritated me enough that I took it apart. Everything looks like it should from the manual and the rubber insulators are still on the inside fiber plate. The "thin" steel plate was in the middle so I moved it to the back because the manual showed a different plate back there - no difference in sound. It only makes the noise when the clutch lever is pulled (clutch disengaged). Same noise as my other 2 dry clutches, but MUCH LOUDER.
Andy I know you would love these magical tunes played by the cycle, but when cruising the local college I fear the girls are wondering what that horrible racket is instead of looking at the handsome fellow riding the bike! That needs to change.
Any thoughts?
Last edited by craigsutton on Fri May 07, 2010 10:00 pm; edited 2 times in total