I am actually looking for a new one as well (tired of the leaky used kind

Here is what I am thinking about doing, if anyone has any knoweledge about this, please chime in

From looking at parts fiche's, the early 90's CBR900RR's have a VERY close looking petcock to the NSR. The knob is a little different, but hey, I don't need that, as well as it's a seperate part#.
So I am thinking about buyinng a new 93 Honda CBR900RR fuel petcock, and trying that out.
I have taken one of mine appart, and tried to "fix" it with creating a new seal, but that pretty much lasted only a weekend. Now it's back to pissing fuel all over the place, so I don't think I am going to spend the time doing the other one.
Charles Gallant