Financial meltdown forces me to sell my baby. I love this bike and it's really clean. If you want it for a deal, send me a note.
Finances are forcing me to sell my beautiful rare 1996 Honda NSR250 (aka MC28). This bike is exceptionally clean.
What makes this bike special is how exotic it it. It has Single-sided swingarm (aka Pro-Arm), Dry Clutch (with carbon fiber cover) and very unique "credit card" programmable ignition switch.
It's got aftermarket plastic (brand new) with a really good fit, and Tyga Stainless steel GP exhaust. I also added a Tyga Carbon Fiber dashboard, rear set pegs (not reverse shift), new factory clip-ons and lots of other trick bits. It is ALWAYS the life of the party wherever I show-up with it. Currently It's registered in Maine, but I sincerely believe transfer to California will be no problem. I've done it plenty of times and will help you. I'll share all my connections with you. Bike has small dent in tank, but I even know where to get a stock painted matching factory replacement tank. This tank is coated inside though, carbs fully cleaned and petcock and air filter replaced.
Call Rob and come get it.
Rob 714-264-8621
Keep the Rubber Side Down