Ok this is how i paint .
I use 2pack paint . spray under coat (i use a highfill ) sand back with 320-400grit then get a clear over base colour and paint to give a even colour usually 2 coats 15minutes between coats. If you have a spray gun use that for all . once dry enough for 2pac with a fast hadener about an hour spray the clear coat straight over on small things like your disc 2-4 light coats so you do not get runs or things like tank and fairings i put 2-3 thicker coats on 15 minutes between coats then rub the clear coat with 1200 then buff for a real flat finish . This is really for 2pac paint that is all i use as it is much harder. Time between coats will vary with different hardener (fast,medium,slow) best ask your supplyer for times .
Spray gun should be around 15centermetres from job .
Also paint supplers will have mixing cups to make it easy to mix your paint they have ratio marks
I am not a professional i learnt of my mate that is a spray painter and i have painted 7 cars myself
Hope this helps you