Charles - Thanks. Here's what I found.
If you disconnect the TPS connector (turn off the ignition switch before doing this!), and then turn on the ignition switch, the servo motor should rotate to the "HI" position.
Yes - it did - RC valve pointers lining up correctly
If it does not do this,check the battery voltage is good (below 10 v, servo motor may not work).
Battery is at 12.6V
To check the TPS, disconnect the RC Valve servo motor and measure the resistance between the BU/G and the Y/R terminals on the Black PGM connector (wire harness side), should be 4-6 kohms
This is 4 kohms
While measuring the above, also measure the resistance between the BU/G and the Y/BU terminals. TPS fully closed should be 0-1.5, , fully open should be 4-6.
Fully closed is 0 -- fully open is 3
if the resistance is above, disconnect and check at the TPS sensor plug. If okay, then it's the wire harness, if not, then the TPS needs to be replaced.
At TPS plug, static reading between BU/G & W/R is 4, and between BU/G & W/BU is o to 4, as throttle is 'cracked' - then it quickly drops back to 3
Does this tell you any more?
Again - many thanks for the help here - it's much appreciated!!