Hey all
Now that spring is finaly here in Maine and its time to ride
i finaly got around to getting my key work done on my bike
2 bikes 1 ignition key for the bike that doesnt run
and helmet, tank, and seat locks that all need different keys
Dropped off both my NSR's in the back of a truck today to a reccomended locksmith. He was able to make me keys to open everything on the bike within a few hours...!
I had previously bought a bunch of Honda NSR blanks from Tyga
but the Locksmith actually found a key in stock that made for a better fit
So ill share the wealth of knowledge on that key to you all, as i know there are a pile of you out there that dont have keys
The key code is DC3, its a Dodge Colt key made by Mitsubishi
The profile and spacing is perfect, but they have to cut back the stops to allow the key to go deep enough into the lock.
This key is available anywhere in the USA, so you can easily get a duplicate of your current key with this one. Or if you are like me, you need to go to a locksmith to make you keys just by looking and poking into your locks with their special tools
all in all 6 keys made to open the 3 different locks that are on my bikes
for about $93 dollars.. Not to bad really At least now i can put Gas in them!
2 Strokes and I'm Off