StephenRC45 wrote:Once the orange and blue wire splice is done there is no need to mod' the GPS wiring.
The PGM then only uses the GPS as a neutral switch as the ignition curve is the same in all gears (hence no need to mod the GPS). The orange and blue splice not only alters the ign curve but also the power valve opening.
Well , this would have been nice to know before I did the GPS splice. Not that it is a lot of work, but it if it is unnecessary...
I followed Tyga website recommendations and not NSR World advice. Now I realize that "To gain full OEM power on the MC21 the "wire splice" needs to be performed. This disables the ignition limiter in 4th, 5th, and 6th gear. (tuning section, ignition)"
By the way, What happens if you manage to cut the Bk/W wire that should not be cut?