After reading the recent posts about all the piston damage caused by detonation, I've been scared to start my NSR!!! So I checked all round the net about jetting aftermarket system to a two stroke engine.
The first thing that I found was that it most cases jetting will have to go DOWN !! Then that fitting aftermarket chambers etc further increases the compression ratio?? Plus by putting big jets in, you must be upping compression also! This im sure is one of the major causes of detonation in a two stroke engine.
Does this make any sense at all? If so then we are all killing our bikes by adding pipes, upping the jets and doing the cylinder head mod. It seems to make sense now, as it looks like the main probs are with the lower cylinder!
Food for thought, post your opinions up anyway then maybe we can get to the bottom of it!
Santa, please bring me a NSR500 and a SP-2 next year. Pleeeeease....