I just rec'd this new toy from Japan, my first NSR, and in going through the usual, fluids, maintenance and so forth I noticed the powervalve servo was not working.
I have done the flowchart from the manual and it seem all tests ok except for 1 thing..
When testing the servo by connecting 12v to the white and white/red wires at the 4 pin connection, the manual suggests it should turn in the "opposite" direction, assuming it turned clockwise in the previous test (ignition off, kill switch off, tps disconnected) and moved to hi.
Mine just turns clockwise.
Resistance from Blue/Green and the individual Light Green was between 0-5 ohms with some fluctuation higher as it spins.
I guess my question is this, should it turn clockwise when I connect 12v to it or counter clockwise?
My spins clockwise no matter what I do. What makes it spin counter clockwise?
Since it is suggested that the servo needs at least 10v to turn should I be able to find 10+ volts at the harness side of its connector..
Getting frustrated and don't know whether to buy a PGM3 or a servo motor...plus my wife kinda wants it out of the living room!!
Any knowledge you NSR saavy folks can give me will not go unappreciated!