Andy wrote:2T Institute wrote:
RS....TZ they are TOYS, if you want a GP bike the ONLY one to have is an Aprilia
Tell that to Aoyama! HRC won it when they wanted to... when they wanted that last 250 milestone.
An HRC RSW250 is right up there with the Aprilia. At each level, whether SP, SS, F3, or GP, each make and model tuned to its ultimate potential has been within only a couple of HP of each other.
Of course one manufacturer has consistently got it worse than all the others, hence why the 250GP Aprilia uses a totally different motor to the piece of sh*t road bike one!![]()
Anyway, what does all that have to do with an RS125 beating up an SV650?

Had as much to do with Aprilia losing as much as it did with HRC winning, forgot how far behind HRC was the year before a Japanese ride was on board? Pity all it needed to be competitive was a pair of THESE pistons(but don't ask the price).All well and good talking about the RSW that was the same bike ,passed down from Pedrosa to Dovi then to Ayoama, but where are the other 10 ? Willarot had the only other one and not one customer or kitted RS was in the top 20 for many years. At least anyone CAN buy or lease good stuff from Aprilia try getting a proper A kit from HRC .................
Parts are not that expensive from Aprilia 99Euro for a piston (gudgeon is outreagous at 132Euro), the bit where they become expensive is learning to ride them completely on or off the throttle no feathering.
Aprilia showed evryone how to make a decent frame. NSR only won 1 Australian 250cc production championship so RGV/RS engine can be too bad